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Solving quality problems.

Carry out an analysis, check if there is any element or component of the product you produce that you are not aware of. Ask yourself!

1st - Is your process known? Does your team dominate all phases? If so, audit routines are sufficient to identify which deviations may be occurring, they can be addressed and your quality objectives will be assured.

If you think that your processes and procedures are being followed and your quality results are still not ok, you can use the DEMAIC methodology, review the application of your PDCA. Most likely your goals will be achieved.

2nd - If there are products used in your process that you do not have technical knowledge of?

Remember, what goes in will need to come out somehow or it will become a loss.

Ensuring the quality of the input will likely guarantee the quality of the output. The same goes for all internal processes, if equipment is not working well, it will not produce well.

So it's important to ask ourselves.

How much effort, how much energy, what resources do we put in to guarantee the receipt of raw materials? To guarantee the quality of the machines’ operation? Are procedures followed? The same must be considered for labor, if there is no qualification, there will be difficulty in maintaining the stability of the quality of processes and products. If some part of the process is unknown, it somehow needs to be controlled.

If we are not sure, if we do not have these guarantees made by adequate procedures and audits, quality improvement tools from PDCA, DEMAIC will have no effect, because the steps are not followed.

Many problems are resolved by following existing procedures.

So, take care.

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